“The program that gave me the boost in morale that i needed to get a job”

“The program that gave me the boost in morale that i needed to get a job”

Hearing disorders can make it difficult for people to find suitable employment. Belgian Bram Coelus, who has a hearing disorder, has experienced first-hand that, even nowadays, employers believe they cannot accommodate this disorder. That was until the RGF Connect – HEAR2WORK program kickstarted his career. "We have to learn to think in terms of possibilities as opposed to constraints."

With several diplomas under his belt, Bram should have been able to have a bright career in a dynamic field. But despite his impressive profile, 35-year-old Bram couldn't find suitable employment. The reason for this? Bram has a hearing impairment and wears two hearing aids meaning employers wouldn't hire him.

Reticence among employers

"Because of my hearing loss, I have found it challenging to find a suitable job in the current labor market," Bram says. "Theoretically, employers strive for a diverse and inclusive work culture, but my experience is actually quite the opposite. Too often, employers are reticent to hire people who are disadvantaged when seeking employment in the labor market. If they have the choice between a candidate with or without a disability, they often choose the easy option. They prefer to have a smoother path with a candidate without a disability. Because of that, I have often missed out on a perfect job."

That also affects your wellbeing. Bram: "The search for a suitable job and a willing employer was difficult. I first accepted a number of temporary positions with organizations that include diversity and inclusion in their values. I could then gain work experience and position myself more strongly in the labor market. I have always been tremendously motivated to work, but the search for employment requires a lot of perseverance financially, socially and personally."

An inspiring example

Through a former Belgian Member of Parliament, Bram came into contact with HEAR2WORK. "Like me, he has a hearing impairment. In 2018, he decided to end his political career to fully dedicate himself to people with hearing impairments. I have always found his story enormously fascinating and inspiring," Bram explains. "I sent a message to this former politician and he put me in touch with the RGF Connect – HEAR2WORK project."

"When I read more about the RGF Connect – HEAR2WORK program, I immediately felt drawn to it. I have personally experienced the barriers recognized by RGF Staffing. The program made me feel that there are also opportunities for people with hearing impairments. I did not hesitate for a second and signed up," says Bram.

RGF Connect - HEAR2WORK is a project of RGF Staffing Belgium and Cochlear Benelux, provider of implantable hearing solutions. The two companies have joined forces to guide candidates with a hearing impairment into employment, plus to find the right medical treatment. Almost 100,000 working-age Belgians have a hearing impairment. For many of them, the search for suitable employment is a huge challenge. The objectives of RGF Connect – HEAR2WORK include: finding a tailored job, personal guidance for both employees and employers, advice regarding hearing solutions and the promotion of an inclusive labor market and society. The program currently has 24 participants. 

Overcoming barriers

Bram's participation in the project paid off immediately. "One of the fears I have overcome through the program is communicating in French," he says. Bram is a native Dutch speaker, but in Belgium's multilingual society and within many organizations and companies, French is an equally important language. "French has numerous soft consonants that I find difficult to understand. A streaming function on my laptop, paired with my hearing aids via Bluetooth, allows me to easily communicate in French with customers or colleagues in the office. I never thought beforehand that I would overcome this obstacle."

Focus on strengths

"The participants of RGF Connect – HEAR2WORK are extremely eager to learn and Bram is no exception," says Karin Vanhove, Bram’s supervisor. "It initially took a little time to get used to having a colleague with a hearing impairment on our team. After all, there are things we have to take into account. For example, organizing meetings, transferring knowledge and arranging training. We also had to adapt our communication, because Bram finds it harder to hear certain frequencies and letters. In face-to-face conversations, this isn't a problem, but it can be problematic when there is background noise, or if people are talking at the same time during meetings. Fortunately, he clearly explains what he needs from us, so there has been a smooth integration into the team and his training went without a hitch."

Karin: "Of course, disability has an impact on the workplace, but it's about how you deal with it. Every person has his or her own threshold, so why should a hearing impairment be a problem? This is all about changing your mindset. That’s why, during the program, we focus on participants' strengths. In Bram's case: he is focused, structured and precise in his work. And that’s completely unrelated to the hearing impairment."

Boost in morale

This way of thinking has positively impacted Bram's personal and professional development. "The program gave me the boost in morale that I needed to get a job. The most important thing I learned was to think in terms of possibilities as opposed to constraints. I would never have forgiven myself if I hadn't tried," he concludes.

As part of the program, Bram worked at RGF Staffing Belgium. Bram: "In my position as an external payroll consultant, I can be the best version of myself. RGF Staffing is a very inclusive organization, and diversity is in its DNA. It really enriches the organization. Everything is negotiable and my colleagues are open to everything."

Create social support

"Because of my participation in RGF Connect – HEAR2WORK, I can now move forward with life," smiles Bram. "Work is important of course for a stable income, but it also has a positive effect on my social environment and family. My parents and friends are therefore very happy for me and I hope that I can continue to develop myself."

"In the future, I would like to help other people with hearing impairments to get started," says Bram. "In 2022, the employment rate for people with disabilities was just 42,5 percent in Belgium, compared to 80 percent for people without disabilities. That gap is enormous. In my opinion, everyone deserves a place in the labor market. If I can create social support for the target group from my own experience, that would make me immensely proud."

Convinging clients

RGF Staffing Belgium is working to get new clients on board for the RGF Connect – HEAR2WORK project. "We are talking to companies and organizations, persuading them to consider taking on people with hearing impairments to fill their vacancies. This is often possible through just small adjustments within the workplace and the goodwill of managers and their teams. These positions are very diverse: from operator to administration roles, and from IT professionals to social workers," says Ellen Bral, District Manager at Bright Plus (an operating company of RGF Staffing Belgium). "The biggest challenge in engaging new clients is making certain roles feasible for people with hearing impairments. Ultimately, if the will, ambition and enthusiasm are there, almost anything is possible!"

“When I heard that Bram couldn't get a job even though he held various diplomas, I was absolutely astounded,” says Michael Vercauteren, Sustainability Coordinator at RGF Staffing Belgium. “How on earth could that be possible? Since then, we are able to recognize the stumbling blocks. We have mapped out the target group and are helping more and more people with a hearing impairment to find work. In short, RGF Connect – HEAR2WORK makes the labor market more accessible. Hopefully, we will have an even greater positive impact on people's lives in the future.”